Central Railway has the record of being the Number one among all Zonal Railway in terms of Ticket Checking earnings and Non-Fare Revenue in the Financial Year 2021-22. It has started the new Financial Year 2022-23 once again with record earnings in Ticket Checking, Non-Fare Revenue and Parcel Earnings.
More details:
- Starts the Financial year 2022-23 with record earnings of Rs.8.69 crores in Non-Fare Revenue, Rs.44.64 crores in Parcel earnings and Rs.71.61 crores in ticket checking in April and May 2022.
- To ensure comfortable travel & better services to all bonafide rail users, Central Railway conducts intensive ticket checking in Suburban, Mail Express, Passenger services and special trains across all its divisions to curb ticketless and irregular travel.
- During the month April & May-2022, the highly motivated ticket checking team of Central Railway generated ticket checking revenue of Rs.71.61 crores against Rs.21.67 crores during April & May-2021 showing an increase of 230.46 %. Similarly in terms of cases, 10.11 lakh cases were detected during April & May-2022 against 3.19 lakh cases during April & May-2021 showing an increase of 216.74 %.
- Central Railway has drafted a different success story with the concept of Non-Fare Revenue. It has set a fine example of combination of better & modern amenities to the passengers and also enhancement of railway revenue through various non-fare revenue concepts like Hybrid OBHS contracts, Digilockers, Personal Care Centres, e-bikes, e-charging points, Content on Demand, Conversations on the Move etc.
- Continuing its splendid performance, Central Railway, during the month April & May -2022 has earned Rs.8.69 crores against Rs,1.19 crores during April & May-2021 showing an incredible increase of 631.52 %.
- Central Railway also registered a record revenue through Parcel & Luggage earnings of Rs.44.64 crores for the month April & May-2022, against earnings of Rs.38.01 crores during April & May-2021 showing an increase of 17.44 %.
- Central Railway appeals to the passengers to travel with dignity with proper and valid railway tickets in order to avoid inconvenience. Many more initiatives under Non-Fare Revenue are being planned by Central Railway, which will benefit the passengers and fetch a sizable revenue for Railways.
- At the same time it is also putting its best efforts to increase transportation of parcel and luggage in the best possible manner. Central Railway is forever committed in its path of providing the best service to its passengers and enhancing the image of Indian Railways.
Source: Central Railway -Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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