Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has floated open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Train operations services on Yellow Line (Kashmere Gate Crew Control & Qutub Minar Crew Control) and Violet Line (Badarpur Border Crew Control) of Delhi Metro network.
Brief about Tender Submission:
Name of the Work: Train operations services on Yellow Line (Kashmere Gate Crew Control & Qutub Minar Crew Control) and Violet Line (Badarpur Border Crew Control) of Delhi Metro network.
The Tender Number is (DMRC/TRAIN-OPS-02/2023) for the above work. The Estimated cost for this work is INR 96,29,00,000/- and EMD amount is INR 7,50,302/-
Prospective bidders can download the tender document starting from 26th December, 2023 and submissions are open from 22nd January, 2024, the Pre-bid Meeting is on 09th January, 2024, the last date for the submission is 29th January, 2024 and the same will open on 30th January, 2024.
Completion Period of Work: For Violet Line: 77 Months (2.5 Months for Mobilisation + 2.5 Months of training + 06 Years of Train Operations). Tentative date for start of Train Operation Services in Violet Line is 01.09.2024.
For Yellow Line: Tentative date for start of Train Operation Services in Yellow Line is 07.12.2025, mobilisation and training will be intimated accordingly. However, the contract will be coterminous with Violet Line.
The Contract Period may be extended for 03 years and further for 03 years after the performance review, each time.
Scope of Works:
Outsourced Train Operations Staff shall operate train services as per the Time table and following the instructions of Traffic Controller [deployed at Operation Control Centre (OCC)] for train movement on the Mainline and Depot Controller instructions for movement of trains in the Depot.
It is required to manage the Train Operations Services i.e. driving the train and managing the Crew Control at Kashmere Gate & Qutub Minar on Yellow Line and Crew Control at Badarpur Border on Violet Line. Brief of the required services (Train Running Hours), working requirements (timetable) and area of deployment is detailed as under:
Sr. No. | Line | Location | Average Train Running Hours per day (subject to change as per operational requirement of DMRC) |
1 | Yellow | Kashmere Gate & Qutub Minar Crew Control | 845 |
2 | Violet | Badarpur Border Crew Control | 640 |
- The timetables consist of the schedule of train departure/arrival from Depot to Mainline for passenger services, arrival time and departure time of each train to & fro terminal / intermediate stations, schedule of arrival of train to Depot from Mainline, etc.
- Timetable is generally generated for Weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, etc. The timetable will be shared normally to the Contractor at a short notice. Any change, if made in timetable due to operational or administrative reasons, the same will be intimated at a short notice.
- Contractor shall be in a position to operate the trains within three days of receipt of the new timetable (with new roster and trip chart prepared at their end).
- Summary of present Timetables (weekdays, Saturdays & Sundays) for Yellow Line and Violet Line is attached as Appendix-D. These Timetables are tentative and may change as per traffic plan and requirements of DMRC.
During failures/emergency situations, Outsourced Train Operations Staff should carry out duties prescribed in the Metro Railways (Operation and Maintenance) Act, 2002, Metro Railways General Rules-2020, different Manuals pertaining to Train Operations, etc., other instructions issued by DMRC from time to time. The duties are required to be executed in close co- ordination with OCC/DCC.
Train Driver Manager shall be responsible for / ensure the following:
- Planning of training and deployment of Train Drivers and Train Driver Supervisors.
- Study and have thorough knowledge of Contract Terms & Conditions, Rules, Train Operating Procedures, different Manuals pertaining to Train Operations and Train Operation related Circulars and Instructions of DMRC, issued from time to time.
- Any Safety Circular or Instruction brought out by DMRC regarding Train Operations should be explained to Train Drivers/ Train Driver Supervisors and assurances to be taken in this regard and keep a record of the same.
- Should act as an interface between the Operating Department of DMRC and Contractor’s Train Operations staff. TDM shall also be responsible for dissemination of information / instructions to Train Driver Supervisors and Train Drivers related to latest Circulars, Guidelines, etc. issued by DMRC from time to time.
- TDM shall also display such information on the notice board at the Train Drivers Lobby. Ensure satisfactory train operations services as per operational requirements of DMRC.
- Shall not take or use any alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug or preparation within eight hours before the commencement of his duty and during duty or take or use any such drink or preparation.
- Certify the monthly Train Running Hours operated and reconcile the same for submission of Bill/Invoice after verification by DMRC Official. Compile & maintain Train Running Hours data on daily basis and share with DMRC on weekly basis.
- Overtime hours of Train Driver [TD] & Train Driving Supervisor [TDS] shall also be verified by TDM during Billing, if applicable. However, no overtime Claim shall be made by the Contractor to DMRC.
- Shall conduct Periodic and Surprise Inspections to evaluate quality of train operations services, TD’s performance, safety consciousness, knowledge of Rules, Procedures and their adherence, etc. and share the action taken report on monthly basis for the same with DMRC.
- Shall keep a record of habits of all TDs of frequent slippages and wrong operational habits and keep continuous vigil and check on these kinds to prevent further recurrence, share the detailed report and action taken on monthly basis for the same with DMRC.
- Ensure that TD who has not worked on a section for three months or more should be given road learning trips to refresh his knowledge as under:
- If Duration of absence is 3-6 months, then 1 round trip for Road learning.
- If Duration of absence is more than 6 months, then 3 round trips (including one night trip) for Road learning.
- After TDS gets satisfied with the performance/confidence of the TDs then the TDs shall be allowed for passenger Train Operation after obtaining / possessing valid Competency.
- Newly inducted as well as those TD/TDS who have not worked in the section for more than 30 consecutive days (i.e.TD & TDS who possess valid competency) shall be allowed for passenger train operation services only after TDM gets satisfied with the performance/confidence of such TDs / TDSs.
- To ensure compliance of all contract terms & conditions and provision related to Train Operations. Ensure that duty shall be assigned to only those TDs who have valid competency and Periodical Medical Examination [PME] with A-1 fitness (at par with DMRC standards).
- Any information related to VIP movement shall not be shared with anyone or social media and shall not interact or release statements to the media/social media.
- Set the standards and prepare the formats for monitoring of TDs performance and share them to DMRC in a format as desired by DMRC.
- Shall evenly distribute/assign TDs to each TDS and ensure their counselling and inspections.
- Shall keep a grievance register at Crew Control for Redressal of complaints of TDs/TDSs, the report of which shall be submitted on monthly basis to DMRC.
- TDM must relay actual and active manpower strength available with declaration on a monthly basis and as per DMRC requirement.
- TDM shall reply to each and every communication of DMRC.
- TDM shall maintain Line Defect Register and share with DMRC on a monthly basis.
- TDM shall give assurance of self and take assurance of all staff in Assurance Register whenever any new document or its corrigendum/addendum is issued by DMRC. TDM shall counter verify the assurance given by TDS.
- TDM shall ensure that Assurance Register is updated every year in the first week of January.
- Service Deficiency Memo will be raised for the violation of applicable duties listed above. Contractor shall appoint a TDS as reliever of TDM with approval of DMRC as and when required.
Train Driver Supervisor [TDS] shall be responsible for / ensure the following:
- Prepare and manage rosters/ trip charts for TDs.
- Sufficient rest shall be provided to TDs between two consecutive duties (Minimum 12 hours).
- Maximum working hours shall be limited to 48 hrs in a week for all staff and as per prevailing labour laws subject to change as per decision of Government.
- Also ensure provision of weekly rest to the TDs. Moreover, sufficient Manpower deployment is the prerogative of the Contractor. Compliances of overtime (if any) must be ensured as per prevailing labour laws.
- Ensuring TD availability as per duty roster and to manage Train Operations in case of any failure resulting in deviation from normal roster.
- Shall not take or use any alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug or preparation within eight hours before the commencement of his duty and during duty or take or use any such drink or preparation.
- Night Duty Supervisor should specially monitor and ensure the timely availability of Train Drivers to pick up trains from depot as well as out station stabling locations in morning. Maintain and verify the data of Train Running Hours including deviation on a daily basis.
- Shall brief the TDs about the Rules & Procedures to be followed, monitor the performance of TDs and counsel them, if required. Any Safety Circular or Instruction brought out by DMRC regarding Train Operations should be explained to TDs and Assurance taken in this regard and maintain the records. TDS shall counter verify the assurance given by TD.
- Fault Report/Fault log informed by TDs shall be recorded and maintained at Train Drivers Lobby and communicated to DMRC on a daily basis. Machine generated reports of prescribed calibrated Breath Analysers tests carried by TDs are to be maintained at the Train Drivers Lobby and shared with DMRC on a fortnightly basis.
- In case any TD remains on leave for maximum 15 days for any reason and then joins duty, the TDS shall first counsel the TD, for his/her knowledge with respect to Rules and Procedure related to train operations, along with any modification/changes done during his/her period of absence.
- After TDS gets satisfied with the performance/ confidence of the TD then the TD shall be allowed for passenger Train Operation. Shall prepare the reports of their inspections, counselling, observations such as the area in which the TD needs improvements.
- Shall keep a record of TDs of the habit of frequent mistakes / wrong operational habits and keep continuous vigil and check to prevent further recurrence.
- To ensure that only TD with valid Competency and Periodical Medical Examination [PME] with A-1 Fit, at par with DMRC standards is booked under roster duty.
- Any information related to VIP movement shall not be shared with anyone or social media and shall not interact or release statements to the Media/Social Media.
- Shall compile and relay the data related to Train Load as and when required by the DMRC. Shall have live competency for driving the train in case of need/emergency.
- Shall counsel nominated TDs as per DMRC instructions/requirements. TD Cab / Ambush Inspection in a month shall be carried out by TDS of their nominated TDs as per the requirement of DMRC, communicated from time to time.
- Shall give monthly grading to their respective TDs as per performance and do grade base counselling. All the data of counselling, grading and cab inspections of TDs shall be maintained by respective TDS and the same shall be shared with DMRC on monthly basis.
- All required registers, mobile pouch related to train operations and Breath Analyser Machine shall be provided by the Contractor at all outstation stabling locations and should be verified and signed by TDS on daily basis.
- Changes in night stabling and morning induction of trains shall be timely communicated to the respective TDs.
- Should ensure proper filling of Mobile Pouch Open & Issuing Register and check that the mobile pouch is properly sealed before handover to TD.
- Should make a tetra census every night and relay the Tetra census report to DMRC the next morning.
- TDS should be in a completely prescribed, neat and tidy uniform. DMRC logo embroidered on any apron (Shirt, Tie, Cap, Belt, etc.) is strictly prohibited to wear. Service Deficiency Memo will be raised for the violation of applicable duties listed above.
The average annual turnover of the tenderer during the last five audited financial years should be ≥ Rs. 12.01 crores. The average annual turnover of a JV will be based on percentage participation of each member.
Work Experience:
The Tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed or substantially completed ‘Similar Works’ during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
- At least one ‘Similar Works’ of value of INR 12.01 crores or more, or
- Two ‘Similar Works’ each of value of INR 7.51 crores or more, or
- Three ‘Similar Works’ each of value of INR 6.00 crores or more.
Similar Works for this contract shall be works involving “Metro Train Operation/ Railway Operation/ Metro Train Maintenance/Maintenance of Locomotive, Wagon of Railways/ Metro Train Manufacturing/Metro Train Testing and Commissioning/ Tram or LRT Operation/ Monorail Operation/Managing services involving provision of trained, uniformed and computer literate Skilled manpower at Metro Rail / Railway (excluding housekeeping and security & allied services)” Works related to housekeeping i.e. Train cleaning/Train washing shall not be treated as Train maintenance.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
This move by DMRC signifies a significant step in enhancing the efficiency and operations of the Delhi Metro network, with the tendering process aiming to secure qualified applicants for seamless train operations services on these crucial lines.
Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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