Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor update: Tenders invited to carry out Environment & Social Impact Assessment Study from Palwal to Sonipat

The Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (HRIDC) has invited online e-tender for below mentioned work in Single Stage Single Bid/Envelope System where eligibility, technical/ commercial and financial details are submitted together in the same envelope:-

  • Name of work: To carry out Environment & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study including preparation & submission of report in connection with Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor (HORC) project (143.93 Km) from Palwal to Sonipat including connections to the existing railway network.
  • Total Cost: 24.42 Lac
  • Completion Period: 5 months
  • EMD: INR 50,000
  • Bid Opening: 27.10.2020

Terms of Reference for Environment & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study:


  • The Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (HRIDC) was incorporated in August 2017 as a State Joint Venture Company with 51% participation of the State of Haryana and 49% participation of the Ministry of Railways (MOR). HRIDC is mandated to design, develop, plan, construct, implement, operate and manage rail projects in the state of Haryana. 
  • One of the projects being developed by HRIDC is Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor (HORC). It is a new electrified Double Broad-gauge (BG) rail line of around 121.742 route km from Palwal to Sonipat, via Sohna, Manesar, Kharkhoda bypassing the Delhi state. The project is proposed to have connections with the existing Indian Railway (IR) lines at Harsana Kalan, Asauda, Sultanpur, Patli and Palwal. The Project is also proposed to have connection with the Dedicated Freight Corridor at Pirthala. The total route length including connectivities to IR and Dedicated Freight Corridor network is around 144 km.
  • An initial Environmental and Social Screening study for HORC project was conducted by an E&S consultant engaged by HRIDC in 2019. Copy of the same will be made available to the consultant for reference. It was a preliminary ESIA study covering following:
    • Scope of work for Environment Impact Study: Conduct Environment Screening Survey, Conduct Stakeholders Consultation, Collect Secondary Data on Environmental Parameters and support them with Primary Survey, Collection and Analysis of Data, Identification of Critical Environmental Issues, Identification of Applicable Statutory Clearances based on site visit and consultations, Preparation of IEE Check List for categorization of project.\
    • Scope of work for Social Impact Study-Data collection from primary sources, Social Survey of Potentially Project affected persons, Data collection from Secondary Sources, Conduct stake holder Consultation/ Focus Group discussion, Identification of critical Social Issues/hot spot, Preparation of Initial Social Screening Report and Check List, covering involuntary resettlement and Indigenous Peoples, if any.
  • As an extension to the above mentioned study, a detailed updated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study needs to be conducted, prepare a Resettlement Action Plan [and Livelihood Restoration Plan], and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for the HORC Project incorporating and complying with the relevant national and local laws and regulations, and environment and social safeguard requirements of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is the funding agency for HORC Project, as provided in its Environment & Social Framework (ESF), comprising the Environment and Social Policy (ESP) and Environment and Social Standards (ESSs).

Objective Of Assignment:

A detailed ESIA study, including preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), a RAP, and a SEP needs to be conducted in order to mitigate potential adverse environmental and social impacts of the HORC Project. The specific objectives of the ESIA study are to:

  • Identify and assess all relevant potential direct, indirect and cumulative environmental and social risks and impacts of the project i.e. HORC components and associated facilities (including but not limited to those identified in Environmental and Social Screening study) and recommend specific mitigation, management, and monitoring measures and plans to avoid, offset or minimize the impacts.
  • Formulate an implementable ESMP, RAP, and SEP integrating technically and economically feasible measures, timeframe, budget and capacity resources, and identifying the responsible entities to implement these measures, to avoid the identified impacts and an appropriate monitoring and supervision mechanism to ensure its implementation.

The tender documents can be downloaded free of cost from the e-tendering portal https://etenders.hry.nic.in

Source: HRIDC-Tender

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