Search Results for Apparel Park Depot

Ahmedabad Metro Update: GMRC invites tender for track maintenance work from Thaltej to Vastral Gam station including Apparel Park depot & ramps of Phase 1
The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) has invited sealed Bids from the eligible Bidders for Track maintenance work of EW corridor (Thaltej station to Vastral Gam station including Apparel Park depot & ramps) of Ahmedabad […]

GMRC invites tender for operation & maintenance of rooftop solar photovoltaic power project at Apparel park depot and Gyaspur depot
The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) has invited sealed Bids from the eligible Bidders for Request for Proposal for Design, engineering, supply & procurement, erection, testing, commissioning and comprehensive operation & maintenance for 5 (five) […]

GMRC invites tender for annual maintenance contract of DG Set at 26 elevated stations of phase-1 with Apparel Park and Gyaspur depot
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Ltd. invites open tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Comprehensive annual maintenance contract of DG Set (B-Check) installed at 26 elevated stations of Phase-1 and Apparel Park […]

Ahmedabad Metro Update: GMRC invites tender for Train cleaning at apparel park and Gyaspur depot for Ahmedabad Metro Rail project phase-I
The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) has invited sealed Bids from the eligible Bidders for Train cleaning at Apparel Park and Gyaspur Depot for Ahmedabad Metro Rail project phase -1. Tender Reference No: GMRC/O&M/Train Cleaning/Ph-1/2022 […]

GMRC invites RFP for commissioning of 406 kw rooftop solar panels at Apparel park and Gyaspur Metro Depots
The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited has invited open tenders for the work, “Design, Engineering, Supply & Procurement, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance for 5 (five) years for 406 kw (ac) […]

GMRC invites tender for transportation of HH Rail from manufacturing plant to Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Surat Depot
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Ltd. invites open tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Tender for loading, unloading, transportation and stacking of UIC-60/60 E1, 1080 Grade HH Rail (18 M Long) from […]

Ahmedabad Metro update: GMRCL starts metro trials from Gyaspur Depot to Motera Metro Station
On 20th May 2022, GMRCL started metro train trial from Gyaspur Depot to Motera Metro Station. More Details: Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I consists two corridors. 1) North-South Corridor from Gyaspur Depot to Motera and […]