Search Results for sleepers

IRCON invites tender for manufacture and supply of sleepers and turnouts for Katni-UP grade separator project
IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Manufacturing, supply, transportation and stacking of special sleepers (New Wide base Bridge-Central, new wide base bridge approach sleepers, Turnout & SEJ) as per IRS specification for […]

IRCON invites tender for H-Beam sleepers and track linking including all fittings on major bridges in Sivok-Rangpo new BG single line railway project
IRCON International Limited has invited online e-Tender for Manufacturing, supplying, transportation, fitting & fixing of H Beam sleepers and track linking including all fittings on major bridges (Br. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, […]

IRCON invites tender for delivery of synthetic sleepers with anchoring items for double line high speed railway of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail
IRCON International Limited has invited online e-Tender for Manufacture, Supply, Transportation and Delivery of Synthetic Sleepers as per JIS E 1203 Specifications (latest amendment) with complete set of Anchoring items for fixing with Concrete Track […]

NHSRCL invites tender for the work of dismantling and disposal of unserviceable PSC sleepers in connection with Mumbai – Ahmedabad High Speed Rail project
National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) invites online Open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria as stipulated in Clause 1.1.3 of NIT, for the work of Dismantling and disposal of unserviceable PSC […]

IRCON invites bids for supply of sleepers for East-West Rail Corridor and East Rail Corridor-II of Chhattisgarh Railway Project
IRCON International Limited has invited online bids in two packet systems on prescribed forms from bonafide firms/ companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work detailed in the table given below. […]

RITES invites tenders for supply of BG PSC sleepers for construction of New Railway Siding at Dipka Area
RITES Ltd., a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, acting for and on behalf of South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) has invited for the work of “Manufacture, Supply, Delivery and Stacking at site […]